2018 eXtended eXamples (Links)
questions | resources | showcase https://discourse.threejs.org/
Threejs-r100 - @author prisoner849
>>> discourse.threejs.org
GeometryHoles - @author MateuszWis
>>> discourse.threejs.org
ClockSevenSegment - @author prisoner849
>>> discourse.threejs.org
polyhedron - @author shakena
>>> discourse.threejs.org
LineGrids-LineLabyrinths - @author hofk
>>> discourse.threejs.org >>> github.com Addon THREE.g
Clipping Solids SDF Modelling - @author prisoner849
>>> discourse.threejs.org
AnimatePosition-gltf - @author Fassie (updated Mugen87)
>>> discourse.threejs.org
LightParticlesBlending - @author Mugen87
>>> discourse.threejs.org
Blending - @author DolphinIQ
>>> discourse.threejs.org
2transparentScenes - @author Mugen87
>>> discourse.threejs.org
ClickAnimation - @author Fassie, Mugen87
>>> discourse.threejs.org
constantDistance - @author blackInk, marquizzo
>>> discourse.threejs.org
Clipping Solids SDF - @author prisoner849
>>> discourse.threejs.org (and many more examples in the post)
Clipping Box Shaders - @author prisoner849
>>> discourse.threejs.org
The Lonely Candle - @author prisoner849
>>> discourse.threejs.org
fading reflection - @author Mugen87
>>> discourse.threejs.org
ObjectBounds - @author Mugen87, Eketol
>>> discourse.threejs.org
Drawing with dashed lines - @author prisoner849
>>> discourse.threejs.org
noisejs POWERWOLF - @author prisoner849
>>> discourse.threejs.org
AudioRecording - @author hofk
>>> discourse.threejs.org
in-the-orb-shaders - @author prisoner849
>>> discourse.threejs.org
Clouds of cubes - @author prisoner849
>>> discourse.threejs.org
Particle Spiral - @author Mugen87 / oosmoxiecode
>>> discourse.threejs.org
Endless Forest - @author Mugen87 / oosmoxiecode
>>> discourse.threejs.org
use deepl.com/translator to translate
Christmas Cube Packing - @author hofk
>>> discourse.threejs.org
BasicLoadingScreen - @author Mugen87
>>> discourse.threejs.org
Globe of points - @author prisoner849
>>> discourse.threejs.org
Bumblebee Mara - @author hofk Bumblebee Mara on hofk.de
>>> discourse.threejs.org
Fonts - @initiator ben
>>> discourse.threejs.org
Grid Collection - @author hofk
>>> discourse.threejs.org
Addon THREEg - @author hofk
>>> discourse.threejs.org >>> github.com
compareDisplacements - @author prisoner849
>>> discourse.threejs.org
Modify indexed BufferGeometry - @author hofk
>>> discourse.threejs.org >>> github.com