vertex- face index / size | floor >>> <<< complete relief map || rev 90
. radius .| wedges -> used | equator -bottom -top -Circle | Geometry indexed - non indexed - BufferGeometry
with bottom with top wedge open vertex normals ... basic examples / source
FUNCTIONS: function ( ) ...
- 1 - stretch south (u,v,t) --- | --- - 1 - stretch north (u,v,t)
- 1 - end pole (u,t)

- 0 - start pole (u,t)

- v - scale pole hemisph.(v,t)

- 1 - radius azimuth pole (u,v,t)

- 0 - equator gap (u,t)

- 0 - squeeze (u, t)

- 0 - move X (u,v,t)

- 0 - move Y (u,v,t)

- 0 - move Z (u,v,t)

- 0 - explode (t) center normal / only non indexed /

- 1 - end azimuth (v,t)

- 0 - start azimuth (v,t)

- u - scale azimuth (u,t)

- v - scale pole (v,t) S -> N

- 0.1 - material south (u,v,t)

- 0.1 - material north (u,v,t)

- 0.1 - material plane (u,t) - - - - - - - - material:

- 0.1 - material wedge (v,t) - - - - - - - - color 1
double side flat shading wireframe

copy functions, note u, v, t and material limit:
Math.sin(6.28*u) + 0.1
0.5*Math.sin(3.14*(u+ 0.15))
Math.atan(1/ u)
1 / (4*u+1)
(u<=0.125 || (u>0.375 && u<0.625 ) || u>0.875 ) ? 0.5 : 1.0
u < v ? 0.1+0.4*(1+Math.sin(0.5*t+u)) : 0.4

If material ..(u,v,t) becomes greater then 1.099.., the script will crash.
Describe fixed materials with digits 0 .. 9
( , separeted for spherical segments for a hemisphere from pole to equator, additional bottom, top, wedge
. is a placeholder for faces that should not change)
<--> (don't enter)
MATERIALS: material index 0 .. 9, grey 10 ( function result * 10 )
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9